Saturday, September 6, 2008

Care for betta fish

Let's learn how to care for your bettas!

First of all you can't overfeed your pet so feed each one 3 round betta flakes every 2 days. It would work great if you would change or filtr it. To keep bettas you will need 7\8 of the tank filled with water and a betta divider if you want 2 fish. They are fighting fish!
Before you take a betta think.
Do I have a aquarium for them?
Do I know what to do if the fish is\are sick?
If I want 2 fish, does my aquarium have a betta divider?
Do I have location in my house or in my office where the sun is not shining?
If you answered "yes" to these questions you can have one or two bettas.