Monday, May 5, 2008

Meet the cats

There were 10 cats named Midnight, Expert, Useful, Important, Super, Awsome, Hunter, Intelligent, Joyful and Crazy. Every cat exept Crazy drank softly. But, Crazy took his 36 teeth and drank very fast. Like a dog was around. The, Hunter asked "Is there a dog near? Next, Crazy says "no".
All the cats except Crazy hunt mice silently and Crazy hunts mice with a giant "MEOW!!!" And he doesn't catch any mice. When the mice hear Crazy they scream "Help!!!" and run away. Then Crazy started to cry. While he is crying he says "I want to catch a mouse! Hunter said "If you will be quiet, you will catch a mouse". Next Crazy would hunt mice silently. Then he would catch as much as all the cats.
All the cats catch 3 mice a day, 1 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon, and 1 in the evening.