Sunday, December 30, 2007

10 zasad

1. Dziel się..
2. Bądź sprawiedliwa/sprawiedliwy.
3. Nie drażnij i nie dokuczaj.
4. Nie wrzeszcz.
5. Nie żucaj.
6. Słuchaj tych, którzy są starśi nisz ty.
7. Nie kalecz.
8. Zostaw gardła w spokoju i szyje.
9. Nie rób krzywd.
10. Nie trąć innych osób rzeczy.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Queen of the cats

Presenter, (beginning):Hi,today we are going to perform The Queen of the cats.We hope all of you will be on your best behavior and sit properly so people behind you can see.Also,don't laugh at if a player makes a mistake on stage.

King:Alice,are you ready to meet the cats?
They're coming Here today.

Queen:Wow!I can't even wait to meet them!

Song(King and Queen):Through the jungle,all the cats go.Over the river and
through the swamp,they all go together!
Messy:We finally made it!

Queenia:I'm so tired!

Queen:I have a mat for all of you,kittens.

Cats:Thank you! We were running 25 miles.

Queen:Wow! That's a lot of running.