Friday, November 28, 2008

Best activities for cooking kids

Do you remember when you read a story about a girl and a dad who worked together? I will show you a few sentences.
I will mix it. Dad will put it in the oven. Dad will take it out of the oven.

The girl did things appropriate for her age, which we will be talking about. Toddlers might want to help and if they do:Never let them use the oven, stove or knifes. Let them mix or take ingriedients. Grades K-2: Let them use butter knifes,mix,get ingredients and mash. Grades 3 and up: allowed to cook and use everything.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


* W łódkach siedzą na podłodze
* Jeżdżą na busterach
* Chodzą spać przed zmrokiem
* W 2009 BĘDĄ WSZYSKIE ZJEDZONE (tak myślę)
* Wszystko jest za małe na starsze
* Dorośli chodzą za nimi
* Mają strasznie mało pieniędzy
* Jest im strasznie trudno jeżdzić pod górę na rowerach
* Dorośli nedzą ję.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Care for betta fish

Let's learn how to care for your bettas!

First of all you can't overfeed your pet so feed each one 3 round betta flakes every 2 days. It would work great if you would change or filtr it. To keep bettas you will need 7\8 of the tank filled with water and a betta divider if you want 2 fish. They are fighting fish!
Before you take a betta think.
Do I have a aquarium for them?
Do I know what to do if the fish is\are sick?
If I want 2 fish, does my aquarium have a betta divider?
Do I have location in my house or in my office where the sun is not shining?
If you answered "yes" to these questions you can have one or two bettas.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Meet the cats

There were 10 cats named Midnight, Expert, Useful, Important, Super, Awsome, Hunter, Intelligent, Joyful and Crazy. Every cat exept Crazy drank softly. But, Crazy took his 36 teeth and drank very fast. Like a dog was around. The, Hunter asked "Is there a dog near? Next, Crazy says "no".
All the cats except Crazy hunt mice silently and Crazy hunts mice with a giant "MEOW!!!" And he doesn't catch any mice. When the mice hear Crazy they scream "Help!!!" and run away. Then Crazy started to cry. While he is crying he says "I want to catch a mouse! Hunter said "If you will be quiet, you will catch a mouse". Next Crazy would hunt mice silently. Then he would catch as much as all the cats.
All the cats catch 3 mice a day, 1 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon, and 1 in the evening.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Poems for Seasons

I like to play with sprinklers, I swim in all the pools.

When rain sprinkles I make my hair so wet, jumping in the puddles, fishing at the pond.

When it gets cooler, I ice-skate in the park, sledding in the mountains, sking in the park, watch out you might slip in the little ice.

And when it gets warmer, I watch out for whales, jumping in the puddles, splashing all the way.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


The chores I have to are taking care of Helena and Michal. It is hard work! Helena always litters around the house and has a problem. Also, I have to rip the toy out of her hand and give it back to him and say: You are the one who started it. Helena says "no" then. Also, I have to make them food. Helena says "I want something else". Then I say Helena, that's all I have. The groces thing I have to do is to whipe Helena and Michal's butt. I don't have turn the TV for Michal because he is expert in that.

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Queen of the cats 2

Presenter, (beginning):Hi,today we are going to perform The Queen of the cats.We hope all of you will be on your best behavior and sit properly so people behind you can see.Also,don't laugh at if a player makes a mistake on stage.

King:Alice,are you ready to meet the cats?
They're coming Here today.

Queen:Wow!I can't even wait to meet them!

Song(King and Queen):Through the jungle,all the cats go.Over the river and through the swamp,they all go together! Messy: We finally made it.
Queenia:I'm so tired!

Queen:I have a mat for all of you,kittens.

Cats:Thank you! We were running 25 miles.

Queen:Wow! That's a lot of running.

Ice:Are there any dogs?

Queen:I hope not.

Dog: Bar! Bar! Bar!


Queen:Actually,there is a dog.

King:I'll get him.( Goes to dog) Go!Stay!

Dog:(Sits Criss,cross)

Cats:You saved us!

Queen: Time for your nap, cats. It's almost midnight.

King: I think it's time for our nap too.

Song(everyone): Cat cheer,oh cat cheer,cat cheer, oh cat cheer, all of the ways to cat cheer everywhere. With rubs chasing down, with purrs running down,all of the ways to cat cheer everywhere.

Presenter(End): Thank you for sitting properly and being on your best behavior.The next play coming up is called The apple Seed.